Maxie Combler is born.


Alfredo Barta is born.


Early Spring, Pete Barta starts working at the Forge.

Sir Leonard and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh comes to the forge with their bodygaurd, Slim Bellerby, to buy a new sword for Sir Benjamin's 15 years birthday and Peter Barta is assigned to make the sword.

Pete Barta becomes friends with Sir Benjamin and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh.

Early Summer, Jane Riggs and Maxie Barta are playing together.

The brother of Maxie Barta, Pete starts bragging about, he's assigned to make a sword for Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh at his 15 year old birthday.

Janet Riggs giggleringly flatters his sword, and kisses him.

Pete Barta gets sweet on Janet Riggs, and starts to fondle her.


Early Spring, On his birthday, Pete Barta invits Janet Riggs to see a show with Bettina Hauck and Finly Dade at the theatre, because he thinks, she might be interested in seeing the clothers.

Maxie Barta is following her brother, Pete and her friend Janet Riggs to the show.

Janet Riggs is not perticulare interested in the clothers and starts chatting with her friend, Maxie Barta.

After supper, Maxie Barta is hugging Janet Riggs goodbye, and goes home to the forge.

When his sister had gone home, Pete Barta suggests Janet Riggs, they moves to the table of Sir Leonard and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh. They are selebrating the appointment of Slim Bellerby, as new lieutenant.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh recognizes Pete Barta, and thanks him for he new sword, and starts offering Lannon's Cherry Wine to Pete Barta and Janet Riggs.

Janet Riggs gets tipsy and Pete Barta starts kissing and cuddling her.

Midsummer, Pete Barta offers some of Lannon's Cherry Wine to Janet Riggs at the theatre, and when she gets tipsy, they start kissing and cuddling.

At night, Pete Barta bangs with Janet Riggs.

Early Autumn, Janet Riggs has to tell Pete Barta, she's preginant, but not with him, and she's getting married with Ginger Miller.

Pete Barta feels, she has cheated on him, and gets furious, but she doesn't care.


Maxie Barta starts working at the forge.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh wants to aid the efford of Slim Bellerby to win Conrad Combler's love, by giving Slim Bellerby a new uniform and Sir Leonard goes to the forge to order a new uniform for Slim Bellerby at Pete Barta.

While ordering the uniform at Pete Barta, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh notice the sister of Pete Barta, Maxie Barta, whom he immediately desires, and who have just started working at the forge.



Christmas At The Crowmed Lion, Sir Benjamin and Lady Valerie of Malbourgh with their bodygaurds, Kari and Slim Bellerby, Conrad and Silas Combler, meet Moira Lieberman and Maxie Barta, who had her brother, Pete Barta with her.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Moira Lieberman are very glad to see each other, and imediately start kissing and cuddling.

Kari Bellerby and Slim Bellerby seats themself on each side of Conrad Combler. Kari Bellerby is cuddling him and Slim Bellerby is kissing him.

Lady Valerie of Malbourgh seats herself on the other side of Slim Bellerby cuddling him.

Kari Bellerby gets very annoyed Conrad Combler kissing her brother instead of her. and when Niel Hauck bring in the wine, Kari Bellerby starts drinking.

Maxie Barta is asking Kari Bellerby for Sir Leonard, whom she likes to see.

A bit tipsy, Kari Bellerby tells her, he's busy tonight because, the old dynasts are about to decide whom he's going to marry.

Kari Bellerby confirms Maxie Barta is not on the list and she can only hope for staying his doxy.

Finly Dade arrives to play for them.

Lady Valerie notices, Slim Bellerby stops kissing and cuddling with Conrad Combler and she needs to have Conrad Combler away, to get Slim Bellerby to kiss her, so she encorages Maxie Barta to dance with Conrad Combler.

Maxie Barta have had a peep at Conrad Combler while he and Kari Bellerby have been guarding her and Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and she thinks he's quite a hansome block and that she can get some sort of revenge, if she make love with the guard of Sir Leonard, so she offers to dance with him.

Pete Barta finds Kari Bellerby very attracktive and he ofers to dance with her too, and the intoxicated Kari Bellerby accepts and dance with him to punish Conrad Combler to make Conrad Combler jaloux.

Moira Lieberman and Sir Benjamin joins them at the dance floor cuddling and dancing.

Lady Valerie makes a last attempt to kiss Slim Bellerby but he is still not interested in her.

When Finly Dade stops playing, Slim Bellerby joins him and they imediately start cuddling and kissing each other.

Pete Barta offers more wine to Kari Bellerby whom gladly guzzles some more wine with Pete Barta-

Kari Bellerby falls asleep and Pete Barta starts to kiss her in her sleep.

Kari Bellerby wakes spewing, and Pete Barta have to jump aside not to be hit by the vomit.

Lady Valerie calms Pete Barta down, and she find him attracktive and realizes she shall use the prevention potion, she got from Kari Bellerby, to have her sharry poped by Pete Barta.

Pete Barta and Lady Valerie are kissing and cuddling until Maxie Barta wants to go home with Conrad Combler, and Pete Barta and Lady Valerie follow them back to the forge.

Next morning at the forge, Sir Leonard of Malbourgh and Doug Wood find a tired Lady Valerie of Malbourgh together with Pete Barta.

Sir Leonard of Malbourgh guess, she had made love with Pete Barta and gets angry at his sister.

Maxie Barta hears the rauge of Sir Leonard and appears with Conrad Combler hugging her.

Maxie Barta tells Sir Leonard of Malbourgh to get out and that she's with Conrad Combler now.<(p>

Maxie Barta also tells Lady Valerie of Malbourgh, she shall go see Moira Lieberman to get a painkiller potion. Moira Lieberman is probably with Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh at The Crowmed Lion.


Late Winter, Pete Barta is asking for Lady Valerie of Malbourgh at the castle, but she will not see him.

Early Summer, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh takes the advice of Kari Bellerby and she gives in to the courtiers of Pete Barta on as her squire.

Late Summer When Lady Valerie of Malbourgh gets puonded by Pete Barta next time, she starts missing dominating a man.


Late Winter Alfredo Barta starts working at the forge.

Late Spring Lady Valerie of Malbourgh arrives at the forge to invite Pete Barta to acombanee her to the wedding of her brothers. Pete Barta replies, it out his league and he doesn't wants to go.

Maxie Barta reprimands her brother, Pete Barta, he cannot be screwing Lady Valerie of Malbourgh without going, and he has to make gala armors for both of them, they can be wearing at the weddings.

Early Summer Hence, Finly Dade performes for Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha, Sir Benjamin and Lady Maritha, Lady Valerie and Pete Barta, Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain with their children Annika and Gielgud and Sir Peter of Turain and Hayley Locky.

Then Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh with his family in law, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and Pete Barta goes home to the forge.

Midsummer At supper at the pub on the theatre, Pete Barta arrives from the forge and hugs and kiss Lady Valerie of Malbourgh, before he takes Kari Bellerby's place at the table, and Kari Bellerby is rubbing agaist Sir Gareth of Lewinton.

Pete Barta tells Lady Valerie of Malbourgh, he'd just finished their gala armors and asks her to come to the forge tomorrow, to try it, and to finish it. Lady Valerie of Malbourgh promise to go with him home tonight.

The day befor the wedding, Pete, Maxie and Alfredo have finised the gala uniform for Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and Pete Barta.

Wearing her new petticoat, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh tries her dress, and after some fittings the is finised. Alfredo Barta suggesting, they just has to polish it, when Pete Barta gets angry and annoyed.

Maxie Barta kisses her brother, and promises to go to the grocer's to buy fetch some more polishing agent after lunch.

When Maxie Barta has left, Slim Bellerby is in a grumpy mood. Lady Valerie thinks, she knows why, so allurantly suggests, she gives his weapon a realy firm polish at his lodging to cheer him up.

At his apartment, Pete Barta is busy pounding with Lady Valerie of Malbourgh, when Silas Combler interrupts them, late afternoon. Lady Valerie of Malbourgh giggleringly claims, they ran out of polishing agent, so he helped Pete polish his weapon.

On the morning of the weddings Pete Barta wakes up, and gets alarmed, because he can't find Lady Valerie of Malbourgh anywhere.

Pete Barta worried wakes up his sister, who, as soon as she's hearing, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh is missing, Maxie starts giggling and cheerfully scorning her brother, while she gets dressed.

Lucian, Chlorine and Alfredo Barta await Pete and Maxie with breakfast and Maxie is cheerfully pestering Pete with, his girlfriend has dumped Pete once again, and just before the weddings.

When Lady Valerie of Malbourgh returns to the forge from her brother, Sir Leonard, she's joining them for breakfast, and confordly tells Pete Barta, that she'd provided a guard for them at the weddings, and that she intents to wait for the guard, before they're attenting the weddings.

Maxie Barta and Lady Valerie of Malbourgh are joyfully teasing Pete Barta, while they are eating breakfast.

Maxie Barta hugs Lady Valerie of Malbourgh after breakfast, and asks her make love with her worring brother, Pete, to calm him down, while she and her brother, Alfredo, are polishing their gala armors for them.

Lady Valerie of Malbourgh thaks Maxie Barta, and takes Pete Barta to his lodging to bang with him.

At noon, Doug Wood arrives at the forge to pick up Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and guard her under the weddings.

Maxie Barta finds her brother, Pete and Lady Valerie of Malbourgh messing in bed, and the gets into their underclothing.

Maxie and Alfredo Barta help Pete and Lady Valerie of Malbourgh into their armors. Lady Valerie hugs Maxie goodbye, Since Maxie not going to the wedding of Sir Leonard of Malbourgh, Maxie wishes Lady Valerie good luck with her brother, and tells, she better stay away from Sir Leonard's wedding. Pete and Lady Valerie, then, are attenting the weddings at the castle with Doug Wood as their bodygaurd.

On the way to the castle, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh flashes on, they have to take her cousin, Sir Gareth of Lewinton, with them to the castle, so he doesn't has to come to the weddings alone. Hence, Pete Barta, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and her bodygaurd, Doug Wood, visit him at The Cronwed Lion.

At the Cronwed Lion in the afternoon, Sir Gareth of Lewinton sits sadly and waits for the weddings to begin. when Lady Valerie of Malbourgh arrives, she's sending Doug Wood to pick up a bottle of Lannon's Cherry Wine from Amie Hauck, which tye cheerfully drinks all afternoon, before they moves on to the weddings at the castle.

In the evening of the weddings, Sir Patrick, Lady Cathry of Malbourg, their sons and groomes, Sir Leon and Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh at the reception hall of the castle along with the rest for the family: their daughter Lady Valerie of Malbourgh with her boyfriend, Pete Barta, and her bodygaurd Doug Wood.

Dungeon Master Sean and Lady Rebecca Dade, with their children, Angelica, Tim and Holly and Captain Hamish and Syreeta Bellerby and their son lieutenant Slim Bellerby, while their daughter, Kari Bellerby, is supposed to join them later as a servant for Sir Benjamin and their nephew, Sir Gareth of Lewinton.

They are entering the table of the groomes, served by Roger Hauck. Nexto it Niel Hauck has placed:

Table of the brides:

Sir Ethan of Turain and Sharon Turain with their children Annika and Gielgud, their nephew Sir Peter of Turain with his girlfriend and guard, Hayley Mayson and the brides Lady Maritha and Lady Samantha of Turain, with their bodygaurds Ruddy Locky, Sills Mayson with his girlfriend, Jenis Baker, who also is their pharmacist.

Served by Niel Hauck

Table of Guttric:

Sir Geoge Fern and Lady Allyson of Guttric with their children Sir Arnold Fern and Lady Josephine Fern.

Served by Charles Riggs

Table of Wondon

Sir William and Lady Marisa of Wondon with their children, Lady Stefanie with her boyfriend and bodygaurd, David Smith, their child Sophie, and Sir Thomas of Wondon.

Served by Amie Hauck and her granson, Jay Hauck.

While they all are eaten, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden are playing for the wedding guests.

After the have eaten, Eileen Twinley performs a dance, before Sir Patrick of Malbourgh performing the marriage ceremonies.

After, Sir Patrick of Malbourgh has married Lady Maritha of Turain to Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, and she has becomed Lady Maritha Malbourgh, Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden play music again, and they're dancing their wedding dance together, while the audience are watching.

When Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Lady Maritha Malbourgh have finised dancing, Sir Patrick of Malbourgh marriage Sir Leonard of Malbourgh to Lady Samantha of Turain, who then becomes Lady of Malbourgh.

Then Bettina Hauck, Finly Dade and Abe Walden begin playing again, and Sir Leonard and Lady Samantha of Malbourgh are dancing together before the audience.

After the show of Bettina Hauck and Eileen Twinley Finly Dade, Abe Walden and Jay Hauck are playing music, and Moira starts dancing with Doug Wood, whom is gaurding for Lady Valerie of Malbourgh. She is dance with Pete Barta near Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh and Lady Maritha of Turain.

Thus, Moira Lieberman gets close to Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, whom is dancing with Lady Maritha of Turain.

Sir Gareth of Lewinton is dancing with Eileen Twinley when he gets tummy ache, and Eileen Twinley has to excord him to a chair.

Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh, Lady Maritha of Turain, Sir Leonard and Samantha of Malbourgh, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and Pete Barta asambles around Sir Gareth of Lewinton and Eileen Twinley.

Moira Lieberman needs a room, where she can examin Sir Gareth of Lewinton proporly.

Lady Valerie of Malbourgh suggests Moira Lieberman can use her suite to examin Sir Gareth of Lewinton, while she will sleep at the forge to night with Pete Barta.

Lady Samantha of Malbourgh thinks Kari Bellerby shall help Moira Lieberman, and Sir Leonard sends Doug Wood out looking for her.

Conrad Combler helps Ricco Hill carry Sir Gareth of Lewinton to the suite of Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and Etta Combler follows wih them.

Early Autumn Later that day, Lady Valerie returns to the forge and suggests Pete Barta, they take Maxie Barta out for a dance to cheer her up. Slim Bellerby will provide for some music at The Crowned Lion.

at first Maxie Barta doesn't want to go. There is no men for her other than Conrad Combler.

Pete Barta suggests they invites Janet Miller, too. Maxie asks Pete, if he still sweet on her. She's married to Ginger Miller and have two children, now.

Lady Valerie of Malbourgh starts teasing Pete Barta, he wants to see his old flame.

At The Crowned Lion, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh, Pete and Maxie Barta meet Slim and Kari Bellerby and Conrad, Silas, Chantelle Wood and Etta Combler.

Edward Lieberman arrives alone and Charles Riggs comes with his sister, Janet Miller, who comes to see Maxie Barta.

Lady Valerie of Malbourgh orders wine for the crawd at Bettina Hauck, and they seats themself in pair: Lady Valerie and Pete Barta, Maxie Barta and Janet Miller, Slim Bellerby and Conrad Combler, Etta Combler and Chantelle Wood and Edward Lieberman and Charles Riggs are watching the two beautiful girls.

Then, Finly and Sean Dade arrives and they starts to performe with Bettina Hauck.

Pete Barta starts dancing with Janet Miller, Lady Valerie dances with Slim Bellerby, Conrad Combler dances with Kari Bellerby and Edward Lieberman and Etta Combler get ingaged in a strange cuddlely dance with Edward Lieberman and Chantelle Wood dances with Charles Riggs.

Maxie Barta starts dancing with Silas Combler, but when an intoxicated Kari Bellerby see it, she smacks Maxie Barta, and accuses her of trying to steal all of her boyfriends.

Maxie Barta gets mad and complains, it was Kari Combler, who have stolen Silas Combler from her and then they starts fighting.

Silas Combler snags Kari Bellerby to hold her tight and Conrad Combler snags Maxie Barta and holds her tight, too, in order to to seperate them.

Pete Barta, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and Conrad Combler takes Maxie Barta home to the forge and Slim Bellerby and Silas Combler takes Kari Bellerby home to the castle.


Late Spring at the forge Lady Valerie of Malbourgh kisses Pete Barta goodbye and tells him, she's going with Maxie Barta to see Kari Bellerby at The Crowmed Lion.

Later that night, when Maxie Barta and Conrad Combler comes home from The Crowmed Lion, Maxie Barta tells her brother, Lady Valerie of Malbourgh will stayed drinking with Kari Bellerby at The Crowmed Lion the rest of the night, and he shant exspect her home tonight.

Next morning, Conrad Combler is helping Maxie Barta packing her things. Then, they say goodbye to Pete and Alfredo Barta and leave for Malbourgh Castle.


Pete Barta had proposed to Lady Valerie of Malbourgh and they gets married.


Maxie Barta and Conrad Combler gets married.

Maxie Combler starts work at Malbourgh Castle


Emilly Jane Combler is born.


Jarrad Combler is born.


Early Winter, Pete Barta catches Edward Lieberman shagging is wife Lady Valerie Barta at the pharmacy.

Pete Barta beats up Edward Lieberman before Edward Lieberman is arrested.

Pete Barta demands a divorce from Lady Valerie Barta and they are divorced.


Midsummer, Lillie Shaw dumps Terrence Colby for Alfredo Barta and Terrence Colby returns to Rosalie Chaney and their daughter, however, he lives on the theft of Rosalie Chaney.

Early Winter, Alfredo Barta marries Lillie Shaw.


Lillie Barta gives birth to Jonny Barta.


Lillie Barta gives birth to Sophie Barta.


Lillie Barta gives birth to Sherry Barta.


Late autumn, Before Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh can kill Lady Rebecca of Wondon, Sir William of Wondon comes out of the forest, and he wounds Sir Benjamin, before he's wounded himself by Alfredo Barta.

Nicolas Meligan runs a sword though Alfredo Barta and together they are running to the forest. Sir Benjamin of Malbourgh runs after them, and wounds Nicolas Meligan before they disapears into the forest.